Surdas | Paperback

By (author)wilco


This title is on this great saint whose life changed after meeting another great saint, Vallabhacharya, and who never looked back from the path of spirituality. With excellent illustrations and simple dialogues, the story of this saint narrated in this book will entice you to learn more about him.

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Surdas, a poet-saint, from the village Braj near Mathura (Uttar Pradesh, India), was born blind and left home when he was just six years old. Devoted to Lord Krishna he had a great influence on the Bhakti Movement of India.
This title is on this great saint whose life changed after meeting another great saint, Vallabhacharya, and who never looked back from the path of spirituality. With excellent illustrations and simple dialogues, the story of this saint narrated in this book will entice you to learn more about him.

SKU: 9788182525801
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