First words of positivity | Affirmations | Flashcards


Comes with Audio Now!!

Daily affirmations are simply positive statements you tell yourself (or your child) every day. Comes with audio that can be played while your child is asleep.  This small investment in positive thinking can have a big impact on one’s well-being, and It  Boost self-esteem and promote a growth mindset, it’s especially beneficial for children as they build their self-image and learn how to navigate their feelings

Watch the Video here!!

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What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements or declarations that are repeated to oneself in order to reinforce a desired belief or outcome.
The basic idea behind affirmations is that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality.
We’re so happy that you are choosing to introduce affirmations to your kids with First Words Of Positivity These cards are infused with loving intention and we believe this will help them develop a better connection with both their own self and you.

By reading/chanting/hearing/writing affirmations kids can :

1) Develop a positive self-talk
2) Enhance their creativity and confidence
3) Create a mindful thinking habit
4) Experience energising motivation
5) Have a unique sense of appreciation
6)Build Positive Vocabulary