What?s the best way to say good night? With a silly lullaby from the beloved and bestselling Sandra Boynton. It all starts with the big bear observing to the little bear in the red footie pajamas: Your pajamas are on. There?s a duck on your head. I think that this means you are ready for bed.


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What?s the best way to say good night? With a silly lullaby from the beloved and bestselling Sandra Boynton. It all starts with the big bear observing to the little bear in the red footie pajamas: Your pajamas are on. There?s a duck on your head. I think that this means you are ready for bed. Curl up with your favorite little person and this charmingly unpredictable go-to-sleep book. Whether you are a parent, child, or just another snoozing chicken in the bathtub, Silly Lullaby is truly a sweet dream surprise. The sneakers in the freezer heartily concur.

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