Prayers are an inherent part of Indian culture and tradition. Shlokas and Mantras for kids is a perfect means to introduce your child to this living rich culture. This book includes simple shlokas and mantras for children to chant & remember. Their meanings to are explained in an easy manner for the young minds to understand. Let children take one small step for towards learning about our thriving traditions.


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Your child can learn about this vibrant and colourful culture via Shlokas & Mantras for Kids. Children can chant and memorise the little shlokas and mantras in this book. Additionally, the meanings of each shloka and mantra are taught in a simple way that is suitable for young brains. Through reading this book, kids can take a baby step toward understanding our vibrant culture. Increases knowledge of our culture Three languages have mantras. Simple to comprehend develops a reading habit Colorful and vibrant illustrations

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