Some colours are dark, some colours are light. You can mix in some Black, or mix in some White. Some colours are neutral, not bright. Brown like a dog or Black like the night. Grey like an elephant or White like the snow. Colouring can be such fun you know!!


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Primary colours-Red, Yellow and Blue. Three colours to make many more for you! Making a primary colour just takes one. No mixing is needed—it's already done! But put them together and soon you will see, Many more colours are made from these three! Mix Red with Yellow and Orange you will get, Red and Blue will give you Violet. Mix Blue and Yellow if you want Green, Mixing colours is so much fun. Some colours are dark, some colours are light. You can mix in some Black, or mix in some White. Some colours are neutral, not bright. Brown like a dog or Black like the night. Grey like an elephant or White like the snow. Colouring can be such fun you know!!

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