The book also narrates the story of how Captain Ahab in his mindless quest for Moby Dick puts his seamen in danger and eventually sinks the ship and all but one of his seamen. Supported by excellent Illustrations, this gripping tale is an interesting read for adventure lovers


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One of the great classics from Herman Melville, Moby Dick is a story of vengeance between Captain Ahab of the whaling ship, Pequod and Moby Dick, a white whale. The story is narrated by Ishmael, going to sea as a whaler for the first time and securing a job on the Pequod The book also narrates the story of how Captain Ahab in his mindless quest for Moby Dick puts his seamen in danger and eventually sinks the ship and all but one of his seamen. Supported by excellent Illustrations, this gripping tale is an interesting read for adventure lovers

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