Little pip-pip would love to swim with the other penguins. But he is scared of water... can pip-pip learn to be brave & take the plunge? An irresistible story from the creators of picture book classic Giraffes Can't Dance.


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A feel-good rhyming story with a positive message about confidence and self-esteem, from the creators of international bestseller, Giraffes Can't Dance. Now available in a board book - perfect for even the littlest readers!Little Penguin Pip-Pip would love to join in with all his friends swimming in the sea, but there's just one problem . . . he's scared of water. Can Pip-Pip overcome his fears and finally take the plunge? This irresistible story shows that sometimes all it takes is a little bit of encouragement - and a whole lot of heart - to finally make that leap!This touching tale will soon become a new family favourite.'All toddlers should grow up reading this' - Daily Telegraph on Giraffes Can't Dance

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